It is perfectly understandable that the threat of a foreclosure can cause a considerable amount of stress for a homeowner. Contributing factors include:
- Constant phone calls from bill collectors including your mortgage company
- Notices being posted on your door
- Your mail is overflowing with collection notices
It’s enough to drive anyone crazy. Foreclosure does not have to be imminent. You may qualify for a short sale and you may never know what options are available to you unless you open your mail.
You can stop the madness or slow it down by merely contacting your bank and pursuing a short sale of your Birmingham Alabama home:
- You can stop the phone calls (at least from your mortgage company) by contacting them and initiating the discussion of a possible short sale (that’s just to get the process going)
- Once it’s determined if you may qualify for a short sale and the process of listing your home for sale is in place, the phone calls will ease, notices will stop be placed on your door
- And you can begin to feel some of the pressure being lifted
Despite all of the information available on the Internet about short sales, homeowners still don’t quite understand this option and how the process works. If you have been hearing about short sales and are wondering whether this may be an option for you, then you should know that it is so important to consult with a Birmingham Alabama real estate agent that has successfully closed Birmingham area short sales.
But even before you get to that point, the one thing you should never do is stop opening your mail. I know you’ll be thinking “what’s the point in opening another threatening letter?” But I’m here to tell you, that as a distressed homeowner, you may very well be thrashing money that may be in your mail.
You won’t literally find hundred dollar bills or even a check, but what you may be missing a notice from the bank letting you know there may be money available to you to help you with moving expenses should you decide to pursue a short sale. You may be eligible to receive up to $3000 in moving expenses should you decide to short sale your Birmingham Alabama home and successfully close on a short sale.
So here’s my advice:
- Continue to open and READ your mail. There may be money in it for you but you won’t know unless you open your mail.
- Contact Bham WIiRE Realty today and let’s talk about whether a short sale is a good option for you. It helps to work with an agent that has a history of Birmingham Alabama short sale success. I’ll be able to share with you the nuances of the short sale process.
If the value of your home is less than what you owe, you maybe already throwing money out of the window. Wouldn’t it be nice to have money thrown in instead of out?
photo credit: verchmarco Eine Person steckt einen Geldbeutel mit Dollar-Geldscheinen in die Hosentasche Nahaufnahme via photopin (license)
Charita Cadenhead is a licensed Realtor® in the State of Alabama since 2006, serving the Metro Birmingham market. In 2007, she founded Bham WIiRE (Birmingham Women Investing in Real Estate). Bham WIiRE consisted of women interested in real estate investing, but later the focus expanded to include all women interested in any aspect of the world of real estate. She is co-author of the book “Sell Your House Fast for the Right Price”, and has been featured on She is an avid blogger with nearly 1300 posts to date, including a great number of featured posts.
Whether you’re looking to buy real estate your sell your existing property, call or send me and email today, so we can discuss how I can best serve your Birmingham-Hoover Metro area real estate needs!
Exceptional Service Because You Deserve It!