Zoned: A1. THE VALUE IS IN THE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 10 acres for the unbeatable price of $215,000. Of course if you’re up to the task you could totally gut the inside, rehab the property and enjoy a 10 acre homestead. Investors don’t rule out as a possible investment property. Bring your designer, the rest of your team and let them reimagine what it would take to make this house a showplace. Like to fish? You’re in luck. The fisherperson in you can enjoy the pond on the property for some fishin’ and chillin’ by yourself for some quiet time or make a fun affair for extended family and friends without leaving the 10 acres.

Charita Cadenhead is a licensed Realtor® in the State of Alabama since 2006, serving the Metro Birmingham market. In 2007, she founded Bham WIiRE (Birmingham Women Investing in Real Estate). Bham WIiRE consisted of women interested in real estate investing, but later the focus expanded to include all women interested in any aspect of the world of real estate. She is co-author of the book “Sell Your House Fast for the Right Price”, and has been featured on She is an avid blogger with nearly 1300 posts to date, including a great number of featured posts.
Whether you’re looking to buy real estate your sell your existing property, call or send me and email today, so we can discuss how I can best serve your Birmingham-Hoover Metro area real estate needs!
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