Pride Can Be a Deal Killer

It’s hard not to get offended when someone makes an offer that’s so off of the beaten path, that one can’t help but  be offended.     Who can blame you for being offended, but here’s the deal:  take offense, calm down, regroup, think rationally and then counter. There now, isn’t that better.  Getting a low ball…

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What is Your Home Worth

Want to Know What Your Home is Worth? Well I can certainly help you with that.  With such a changing and challenging market, every home owner should want to know what the current value of their home is. And if you previously had your home on the market and the listing has expired, you may be…

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All Things Considered Price, Location and Condition Will Sell a House Faster Than Anything

Price, Location and Condition The title of this post speaks for itself.  There really is no further explanation needed so this post is going to be quite brief. Birmingham-Hoover Home Sellers There isn’t much you can do about location if you are planning to sell your house .  Hopefully it’s in a prime location.  But even if…

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PART 1 HAMP, HAFA, Short Sale: Alternatives to a Looming Foreclosure

Living with the threat of a foreclosure over your head would be enough to drive anyone into a panic.  As a Birmingham Alabama home owner, you need to know that you have options when it comes to skirting foreclosure. Three alternatives that are available to you are the HAMP, HAFA and Short Sale of your Birmingham Alabama home. First there is HAMP which stands for Home…

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